Find and build the silk of your favorite pet.
Facts for the adults who forgot to grow!This brick building game then allows you to decorate your living room or office with effigy of your favorite feline!
With a wide range of cat references, this concept is unique in France!
Discover our wide range of brick dog carvings to go on.A small and large building game that turns into a decoration object for your living room or office.Find your favorite dog under a unique concept in France!
JEKCA offers you to carve your favorite brick animal!
With our patented locking system, your sculpture becomes a solid and resistant art object, to exhibit very quickly in your living room.
We offer more than 800 animals of different colors, postures, sizes... both sitting, lying or walking.
Make your choice and adopt your JEKCA!
Everyday objects
Cultural memories
Nouveau : Les Minis